Easy2Gown Gowning System

An innovative, easy system developed to reduce user contamination during the critical process of aseptic gowning.
Disposable garments are packaged in VAI’s, patented, Easy2Gown System®. The Easy2Gown System is a fold that makes a proper aseptic gowning procedure an easy process rather than a routine challenge. The Easy2Gown design allows operators to have fewer manipulations while donning, therefore, reducing cross contamination.
This patented fold has been designed to minimize contact between the operator and the outside of the gown. By presenting the interior of the gown upon opening the package, the sterile exterior is protected from the transfer of contamination during the gowning process. Trained personnel are able to gown without contact to the sterile, exterior, portion of the gown. The easily distinguished surface creates significant reduction in operator prep time while reducing manipulation of the garment itself.
What are the Benefits of the Easy2Gown System?
- Reduced training time and gowning time because the coverall is pre-folded to be donned properly
- Better efficiency and performance in gowning qualifications
- Risk of operator contamination is greatly reduced during gowning process
- On-site training available upon request
Patents: www.sterile.com/patents